When the three of them return to the palace, they are interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. It is the king's servant, who has come to tell them that the king has ordered them to return. The king, however, is not aware of what has happened and does not respond to the servant's questions about it. The servant tells the king that he has been sent to fetch the king, but the king refuses to believe him. He tells the servant to go back to his palace.
When the three of them return to the palace, they are interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. It is the king's servant, who has come to tell them that the king has ordered them to return. The king, however, is not aware of what has happened and does not respond to the servant's questions about it. The servant tells the king that he has been sent to fetch the king, but the king refuses to believe him. He tells the servant to go back to his palace.