The story opens with a description of a young American boy, named Nathaniel tap, who has come to visit his family in Korea. He is a handsome young man with a palm-sized face and a body that is "crazy, too." He is accompanied by his friend, Thomas yeonseo, who is a young man of about the same height as Nathaniel, and who is also a member of the vampire community. Thomas is a waiter at a local restaurant, and he and his friend are trying to identify a bottle of wine that is being sold on the black market. The wine is not from a real bottle, but from a fake bottle, and they are unable to identify the real bottle because the wine has been opened without permission.
The story opens with a description of a young American boy, named Nathaniel tap, who has come to visit his family in Korea. He is a handsome young man with a palm-sized face and a body that is "crazy, too." He is accompanied by his friend, Thomas yeonseo, who is a young man of about the same height as Nathaniel, and who is also a member of the vampire community. Thomas is a waiter at a local restaurant, and he and his friend are trying to identify a bottle of wine that is being sold on the black market. The wine is not from a real bottle, but from a fake bottle, and they are unable to identify the real bottle because the wine has been opened without permission.