Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-3764992
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-3764993
Chapter 111
This is a locked chapterChapter 111
About This Chapter
After the opening ceremony, the two sisters are alone together. The older sister asks the younger sister what she is doing there. The younger sister tells her that she is becoming more beautiful, and that Mr. Long treats her very well. She tells the older sister that she has found something more important in life and that she will not compete with her again. The two sisters agree that they have a chance of becoming the best sisters in the world. The elder sister says that she never thought of taking away her sister's things, but that now that she's with long zhuan, she won't have to take anything away from her sister. She asks the young sister if she has ever thought about searching for her birth parents, and she says that they should have had their own reasons for leaving her. She says that if they left her because they disliked her, then why did they put her in a secret place instead of in the orphanage doorstep. The reason is that the orphanage will never be moved, and it'll always be there, so if they wanted to find her, it would be easy.
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Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-3764992
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-3764993
Chapter 111
This is a locked chapterChapter 111
About This Chapter
After the opening ceremony, the two sisters are alone together. The older sister asks the younger sister what she is doing there. The younger sister tells her that she is becoming more beautiful, and that Mr. Long treats her very well. She tells the older sister that she has found something more important in life and that she will not compete with her again. The two sisters agree that they have a chance of becoming the best sisters in the world. The elder sister says that she never thought of taking away her sister's things, but that now that she's with long zhuan, she won't have to take anything away from her sister. She asks the young sister if she has ever thought about searching for her birth parents, and she says that they should have had their own reasons for leaving her. She says that if they left her because they disliked her, then why did they put her in a secret place instead of in the orphanage doorstep. The reason is that the orphanage will never be moved, and it'll always be there, so if they wanted to find her, it would be easy.
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