Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 105 • Page ik-page-3764158
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 105 • Page ik-page-3764159
Chapter 105
This is a locked chapterChapter 105
About This Chapter
The next morning, huan asks why zehuan hasn't left yet. He wants to know what happened. He's not going to go to work today, he tells huan, because he's tired and needs to rest. huan tells him to take off , but huan won't let him. He tells him that if he doesn't leave, his chance of getting revenge will be ruined, and huan says he'll go to sleep if he needs to. He asks if Madame Su told him anything about him, and she says no. He says that if she told him that, then he'd be going to fight Madame Su, and that's why he wants to leave . He also asks if she hired the people in the temple to kill him. She says no, and he says he didn't, and then he asks if he can help him, too. .
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Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 105 • Page ik-page-3764158
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 105 • Page ik-page-3764159
Chapter 105
This is a locked chapterChapter 105
About This Chapter
The next morning, huan asks why zehuan hasn't left yet. He wants to know what happened. He's not going to go to work today, he tells huan, because he's tired and needs to rest. huan tells him to take off , but huan won't let him. He tells him that if he doesn't leave, his chance of getting revenge will be ruined, and huan says he'll go to sleep if he needs to. He asks if Madame Su told him anything about him, and she says no. He says that if she told him that, then he'd be going to fight Madame Su, and that's why he wants to leave . He also asks if she hired the people in the temple to kill him. She says no, and he says he didn't, and then he asks if he can help him, too. .
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