Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 103 • Page ik-page-3764126
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 103 • Page ik-page-3764127
Chapter 103
This is a locked chapterChapter 103
About This Chapter
It's night, and the men are still trying to figure out what's going on. The captain has questioned the man who was still alive, and he says that his brother doesn't know either. They're not sure if it's random kidnapping or something more sinister, but they've got to figure it out. They don't want to alarm the family, so they're going to knock on the door and ask if something's wrong. huan tells them that the minion has already died, and that's why they can't worry about finding the mastermind. They should just focus on their work. Aww, boss, you're so in love with that girl that you treat her like an outsider. You're treating her like that disrespectful girl. Hold tightly, he says, then let's show her what his love is like
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Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 103 • Page ik-page-3764126
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 103 • Page ik-page-3764127
Chapter 103
This is a locked chapterChapter 103
About This Chapter
It's night, and the men are still trying to figure out what's going on. The captain has questioned the man who was still alive, and he says that his brother doesn't know either. They're not sure if it's random kidnapping or something more sinister, but they've got to figure it out. They don't want to alarm the family, so they're going to knock on the door and ask if something's wrong. huan tells them that the minion has already died, and that's why they can't worry about finding the mastermind. They should just focus on their work. Aww, boss, you're so in love with that girl that you treat her like an outsider. You're treating her like that disrespectful girl. Hold tightly, he says, then let's show her what his love is like
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