Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 110 • Page ik-page-3764230
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 110 • Page ik-page-3764231
Chapter 110
This is a locked chapterChapter 110
About This Chapter
In this short scene, yongqian liu and jiang meet for the very first time. jiang asks if he is mistaken for someone else, and the doctor assures him that he is. He tells jiang that he has to come because he promised his friend that he would come to see her, but jiang tells him to go on with his work, and he says that he feels like his love life has just been exciting recently. He also tells jincheng that she must be from one of the ye families in Hong Kong, and that she has some hidden secrets, because she feels like everyone is looking at her. He asks if she is going to get involved in the huge families, and she tells him that those families are going to put her in harm's way. He says he will go back to work, but he feels so confused that he doesn't know where he should go. He is confused and annoyed, and asks jiang if there is anything he can do to help her, and when jiang says no, he says he is a doctor working at a hospital, and so he is not mistaken for anyone else. He then asks jin
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Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 110 • Page ik-page-3764230
Marriage First, Love Follows • Chapter 110 • Page ik-page-3764231
Chapter 110
This is a locked chapterChapter 110
About This Chapter
In this short scene, yongqian liu and jiang meet for the very first time. jiang asks if he is mistaken for someone else, and the doctor assures him that he is. He tells jiang that he has to come because he promised his friend that he would come to see her, but jiang tells him to go on with his work, and he says that he feels like his love life has just been exciting recently. He also tells jincheng that she must be from one of the ye families in Hong Kong, and that she has some hidden secrets, because she feels like everyone is looking at her. He asks if she is going to get involved in the huge families, and she tells him that those families are going to put her in harm's way. He says he will go back to work, but he feels so confused that he doesn't know where he should go. He is confused and annoyed, and asks jiang if there is anything he can do to help her, and when jiang says no, he says he is a doctor working at a hospital, and so he is not mistaken for anyone else. He then asks jin
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