In this short scene, we learn that Yuji has made it clear that he is no longer a threat to anyone, and that he no longer has the power to harm anyone. Yuji, however, is still very much in love with the girl, and he tries to comfort her, even though he knows that she is not a threat anymore. She tells him that she would like to go back to her former life, but she is afraid that she will not be able to do so because she is so different from Yuji. She asks Yuji if he is worried for her, but he says that he does not worry for her because he is an "extremely weird reaper" , and she is insensitive, cold, and cruel. She says that she wants to teach him how to be human, so that he will not lose his empathy for her. She also tells Yuji that she has tried to kill him the day before, but that he was scared of her not even a few hours ago.