Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 100 • Page ik-page-3465167
Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 100 • Page ik-page-3465168
Chapter 100
This is a locked chapterChapter 100
About This Chapter
The monster is furious at the sight of the old man returning. He tells the monster that he has forgotten what he did, but that his body remembers. The monster says that he knows that he wants to make friends, but his past will not let him go. He says that if the monster refuses to come back, he will bring him back by force, and that he will leave him.
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Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 100 • Page ik-page-3465167
Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 100 • Page ik-page-3465168
Chapter 100
This is a locked chapterChapter 100
About This Chapter
The monster is furious at the sight of the old man returning. He tells the monster that he has forgotten what he did, but that his body remembers. The monster says that he knows that he wants to make friends, but his past will not let him go. He says that if the monster refuses to come back, he will bring him back by force, and that he will leave him.
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