Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 83 • Page ik-page-2757243
Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 83 • Page ik-page-2757244
Chapter 83
This is a locked chapterChapter 83
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator tries to convince himself that he should take advantage of the opportunity presented to him by his marriage. He argues that he will suffer if he does not take full advantage of his marriage, for he will not be able to marry the woman of his dreams. He also argues that the rich will not notice that he has left them, for they will not even notice that a bottle of expensive wine has been consumed. The young narrator, however, does not believe him. He wonders why there is so much wealth on a cruise, and wonders why the rich are gathered on the top floor of the ship. He is surprised to learn that the owner of the yacht is also on board the ship, and that his wife is also there. He tells himself that it is fate that has brought him to this point in his life, and he
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Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 83 • Page ik-page-2757243
Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 83 • Page ik-page-2757244
Chapter 83
This is a locked chapterChapter 83
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator tries to convince himself that he should take advantage of the opportunity presented to him by his marriage. He argues that he will suffer if he does not take full advantage of his marriage, for he will not be able to marry the woman of his dreams. He also argues that the rich will not notice that he has left them, for they will not even notice that a bottle of expensive wine has been consumed. The young narrator, however, does not believe him. He wonders why there is so much wealth on a cruise, and wonders why the rich are gathered on the top floor of the ship. He is surprised to learn that the owner of the yacht is also on board the ship, and that his wife is also there. He tells himself that it is fate that has brought him to this point in his life, and he
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