Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 93 • Page ik-page-3465289
Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 93 • Page ik-page-3465290
Chapter 93
This is a locked chapterChapter 93
About This Chapter
Back at the office, sariel is complaining about the way things are going with the auction. He wants to know why they can't do the surgery on the ship. He's also worried about the fact that the surgeon is using his own equipment. He doesn't think it's a big deal, since the surgeon has always been generous with the organization.
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Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 93 • Page ik-page-3465289
Bound By One's Heart • Chapter 93 • Page ik-page-3465290
Chapter 93
This is a locked chapterChapter 93
About This Chapter
Back at the office, sariel is complaining about the way things are going with the auction. He wants to know why they can't do the surgery on the ship. He's also worried about the fact that the surgeon is using his own equipment. He doesn't think it's a big deal, since the surgeon has always been generous with the organization.
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