My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5176924
My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5120170
Chapter 62
This is a locked chapterChapter 62
About This Chapter
Miyakoshi tells Soji that he's happy, but that he doesn't need to meet with her today. He tells her that he lied to her because he wanted her to know that he was in love with her. He asks her to come to his office for a little chat, but she refuses, saying that she's too busy with her errands to come. She tells him that she has an appointment with the vice-principal's office, and that she wants to talk to Soji about his upcoming college exams. He's sad, she tells him, because he is working hard to make it into the university. He says he'll call on Soji next week and ask him why he is so sad, and then he can ask him again about the matter. He promises that he won't do anything rash, but he does promise that he will ask Soji if there's anything he can do to help him get into college.
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My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5176924
My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5120170
Chapter 62
This is a locked chapterChapter 62
About This Chapter
Miyakoshi tells Soji that he's happy, but that he doesn't need to meet with her today. He tells her that he lied to her because he wanted her to know that he was in love with her. He asks her to come to his office for a little chat, but she refuses, saying that she's too busy with her errands to come. She tells him that she has an appointment with the vice-principal's office, and that she wants to talk to Soji about his upcoming college exams. He's sad, she tells him, because he is working hard to make it into the university. He says he'll call on Soji next week and ask him why he is so sad, and then he can ask him again about the matter. He promises that he won't do anything rash, but he does promise that he will ask Soji if there's anything he can do to help him get into college.
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