My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5176693
My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5118696
Chapter 27
This is a locked chapterChapter 27
About This Chapter
The teacher apologizes for hurting her student's feelings. She says that even if he doesn't fall for her, he shouldn't become her brother's or someone else's. The teacher says that the reason she went out with the boy was to be his ex-cause, and she thanks him for helping her out so much. She asks the teacher if she would have done the same thing if she'd known about the boy's love for her. The girl says that she's sure that the boy blames her for hurting his feelings, but she also likes the way he treats her.
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My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5176693
My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5118696
Chapter 27
This is a locked chapterChapter 27
About This Chapter
The teacher apologizes for hurting her student's feelings. She says that even if he doesn't fall for her, he shouldn't become her brother's or someone else's. The teacher says that the reason she went out with the boy was to be his ex-cause, and she thanks him for helping her out so much. She asks the teacher if she would have done the same thing if she'd known about the boy's love for her. The girl says that she's sure that the boy blames her for hurting his feelings, but she also likes the way he treats her.
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