My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 17 • Page ik-page-5176683
Chapter 17
This is a locked chapterChapter 17
About This Chapter
The Governess tells the Governess that she has been waiting for three weeks for her to return to school. She finds a picture of her in the corner of the room, and she wants to see it in high school. He tells her that he has changed into a sailor's uniform and that he and another student won first place in a three-legged race. He asks her to give him the picture, but she refuses, saying that she only has books and that she doesn't have much else to show him. She tells him that the photo is of him in a sailor uniform, and he says that it is all of his pictures in one place. She asks him to give her the photo, but he refuses. He says that he wants to be his classmate, and that if he were her classmate he would not have done such a thing
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My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker • Chapter 17 • Page ik-page-5176683
Chapter 17
This is a locked chapterChapter 17
About This Chapter
The Governess tells the Governess that she has been waiting for three weeks for her to return to school. She finds a picture of her in the corner of the room, and she wants to see it in high school. He tells her that he has changed into a sailor's uniform and that he and another student won first place in a three-legged race. He asks her to give him the picture, but she refuses, saying that she only has books and that she doesn't have much else to show him. She tells him that the photo is of him in a sailor uniform, and he says that it is all of his pictures in one place. She asks him to give her the photo, but he refuses. He says that he wants to be his classmate, and that if he were her classmate he would not have done such a thing
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