Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5152698
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5150511
Chapter 62
This is a locked chapterChapter 62
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we get a glimpse of what it's like to be Sakuraba's lover. We're told that she's obsessed with sex, and that's because she loves the part of him that she knows all about. She's also obsessed with the fact that he's late for work, which means she has to eat and drink all this food. She tells him to go home already, but he says he can't go home by himself, because he has to fulfill his "duty" . He tells her to shut up, and then he tells her that if she tries to force her self into his position, he'll kill her. He also tells her not to be scared of him, because if she wants to be his friend, she'll have to kill him. He's just like a puppy, he says, and he won't do anything for her, even if it means killing her.
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Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5152698
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-5150511
Chapter 62
This is a locked chapterChapter 62
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we get a glimpse of what it's like to be Sakuraba's lover. We're told that she's obsessed with sex, and that's because she loves the part of him that she knows all about. She's also obsessed with the fact that he's late for work, which means she has to eat and drink all this food. She tells him to go home already, but he says he can't go home by himself, because he has to fulfill his "duty" . He tells her to shut up, and then he tells her that if she tries to force her self into his position, he'll kill her. He also tells her not to be scared of him, because if she wants to be his friend, she'll have to kill him. He's just like a puppy, he says, and he won't do anything for her, even if it means killing her.
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