Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5149638
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5116761
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
This is the first time we've heard about the "sakuraba" in this chapter, so we're not sure what she's talking about. She's obsessed with sex, and her co-worker has told her that he's in love with her. The two of them decide to go out for a drink together, but the young man doesn't seem to be having any of it. He turns down a dinner with his co-workers because he thinks that he likes her. We're guessing it's because she hasn't said anything about it to him yet, but we'll have to wait and see.
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Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5149638
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5116761
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
This is the first time we've heard about the "sakuraba" in this chapter, so we're not sure what she's talking about. She's obsessed with sex, and her co-worker has told her that he's in love with her. The two of them decide to go out for a drink together, but the young man doesn't seem to be having any of it. He turns down a dinner with his co-workers because he thinks that he likes her. We're guessing it's because she hasn't said anything about it to him yet, but we'll have to wait and see.
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