Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5126597
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5116666
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back in the middle of the action. We're introduced to our heroine, who's obsessed with sex. We learn that she's been having sex with a guy named Nemo. She's super jealous of Nemo and wants to make sure he doesn't have sex with her, too. Nemo's not into it, but he's got a plan. He's going to get Nemo to go to a "public bath" , which is basically a fancy way of saying he wants to have sex. Nemo says he'll go to the "public baths" if he ever has sex with someone else, and then he can go to sleep.
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Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5126597
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5116666
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back in the middle of the action. We're introduced to our heroine, who's obsessed with sex. We learn that she's been having sex with a guy named Nemo. She's super jealous of Nemo and wants to make sure he doesn't have sex with her, too. Nemo's not into it, but he's got a plan. He's going to get Nemo to go to a "public bath" , which is basically a fancy way of saying he wants to have sex. Nemo says he'll go to the "public baths" if he ever has sex with someone else, and then he can go to sleep.
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