Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5126593
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5116641
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
Okay, Shmoop, we've got a new character. He's called Kiyotaki, and he's just about ready to go to work when he gets a message from his boss, Sakuraba, asking him to come to a mixer the next day. Kiyottyaki's not into the idea of going to a party, but he does want to go anyway, so he tells Sakuraba to tell his wife that he'll be at the party, and then he tells her to tell her that he won't be there, too, since he doesn't have the energy to be there. He also tells her not to worry about the missing glasses, since they're already on his desk, and to just carry them to the other side of the room, where they'll stay until he can find them again. Kiyotaki is all, "Oh, no worries, I'm just going to organize the shelf over there, and I'll take care of the lost glasses" . He then tells his boss that he can't go because he hasn't had enough to drink yet, and that's why he'd better hurry up and get back to work ASAP. He asks Kiyotyaki to take the glasses to
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Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5126593
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5116641
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
Okay, Shmoop, we've got a new character. He's called Kiyotaki, and he's just about ready to go to work when he gets a message from his boss, Sakuraba, asking him to come to a mixer the next day. Kiyottyaki's not into the idea of going to a party, but he does want to go anyway, so he tells Sakuraba to tell his wife that he'll be at the party, and then he tells her to tell her that he won't be there, too, since he doesn't have the energy to be there. He also tells her not to worry about the missing glasses, since they're already on his desk, and to just carry them to the other side of the room, where they'll stay until he can find them again. Kiyotaki is all, "Oh, no worries, I'm just going to organize the shelf over there, and I'll take care of the lost glasses" . He then tells his boss that he can't go because he hasn't had enough to drink yet, and that's why he'd better hurry up and get back to work ASAP. He asks Kiyotyaki to take the glasses to
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