Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-5149871
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-5117331
Chapter 57
This is a locked chapterChapter 57
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that Shu and Sakuraba are in the middle of an argument about whether or not it would be better for them to end their sexual intercourse. Shu says that she'd forgotten about the "test period" thing, and she wonders why she has to let her sexual desires lead her by the nose. She wonders if she's not strong enough to keep up with her lover's needs, and if she gets even more frustrated if she doesn't stop. She says she'll stop pushing her self if she can.
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Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-5149871
Busted: Sakuraba Is Obsessed With Sex • Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-5117331
Chapter 57
This is a locked chapterChapter 57
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that Shu and Sakuraba are in the middle of an argument about whether or not it would be better for them to end their sexual intercourse. Shu says that she'd forgotten about the "test period" thing, and she wonders why she has to let her sexual desires lead her by the nose. She wonders if she's not strong enough to keep up with her lover's needs, and if she gets even more frustrated if she doesn't stop. She says she'll stop pushing her self if she can.
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