In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young swordsman named Shu-Liang, who has just lost his first battle to a girl named Qian-Yuan. The young man is very angry at the loss of his first victory, and he laments the fact that the girl has been defeated. He wishes that she had died in the fight, but she has not. He is also very upset that he has not been able to defeat the girl, because he feels that she is inferior to him in rank. He begs the young man to guide him into the arena so that he can defeat his opponent.
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young swordsman named Shu-Liang, who has just lost his first battle to a girl named Qian-Yuan. The young man is very angry at the loss of his first victory, and he laments the fact that the girl has been defeated. He wishes that she had died in the fight, but she has not. He is also very upset that he has not been able to defeat the girl, because he feels that she is inferior to him in rank. He begs the young man to guide him into the arena so that he can defeat his opponent.