The Incal

The Incal • Book 1: The Black Incal, The Metabaron • Page ik-page-4385506
Book 1: The Black Incal, The Metabaron
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Black Incal, The Metabaron
About This Chapter
The metabaron tells his mother that his son is safe, and that the queen of the amok is waiting for him. He tells her to open the curtain and let his son see, because he's about to attack the nearest guard. She tells him to hand over the papers to him, and he tells her that he'll kill her and her family if she doesn't give him the papers. He says that he can't accept the contract, because now he has no choice. If anything happens to Solune, he says, he will destroy all of them. He'll alert the floating palace and the cops, and they'll have to be notified. He also says that they're perfectly in control of the situation, and the metabarons's body movements are perfectly controlled. He wonders if the metab-unker will last long, and if the madmen will be able to stop him.
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The Incal

The Incal • Book 1: The Black Incal, The Metabaron • Page ik-page-4385506
Book 1: The Black Incal, The Metabaron
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Black Incal, The Metabaron
About This Chapter
The metabaron tells his mother that his son is safe, and that the queen of the amok is waiting for him. He tells her to open the curtain and let his son see, because he's about to attack the nearest guard. She tells him to hand over the papers to him, and he tells her that he'll kill her and her family if she doesn't give him the papers. He says that he can't accept the contract, because now he has no choice. If anything happens to Solune, he says, he will destroy all of them. He'll alert the floating palace and the cops, and they'll have to be notified. He also says that they're perfectly in control of the situation, and the metabarons's body movements are perfectly controlled. He wonders if the metab-unker will last long, and if the madmen will be able to stop him.
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