The doctor arrives at the emperor's palace and asks to see the emperor. The doctor tells the emperor that the emperor needs to be careful with his food. The emperor asks the doctor to leave with him, and the doctor agrees. He tells the doctor that he is a doctor and that he wants to be one. He says that he has been living in the city for a long time and that the reputation of the city has been bad, but he still wants to live there. He shows the doctor the herb shop and says that if the doctor is really talented, he'll teach him how to use herbs.
The doctor arrives at the emperor's palace and asks to see the emperor. The doctor tells the emperor that the emperor needs to be careful with his food. The emperor asks the doctor to leave with him, and the doctor agrees. He tells the doctor that he is a doctor and that he wants to be one. He says that he has been living in the city for a long time and that the reputation of the city has been bad, but he still wants to live there. He shows the doctor the herb shop and says that if the doctor is really talented, he'll teach him how to use herbs.