This scene is set in the palace of the emperor, and it shows how Caius Mingus, the son of Emperor Claudius, is angry with his father's servant, Chenjin, for beating up an inspector. He threatens to tell his father that he will remove the servant from office and punish him for his "sin of disrespect" . He tells the servant to stop beating up the inspector, because he knows his identity, and he will throw the inspector to the back of the hill to eat the "li lange" , or raw meat .
This scene is set in the palace of the emperor, and it shows how Caius Mingus, the son of Emperor Claudius, is angry with his father's servant, Chenjin, for beating up an inspector. He threatens to tell his father that he will remove the servant from office and punish him for his "sin of disrespect" . He tells the servant to stop beating up the inspector, because he knows his identity, and he will throw the inspector to the back of the hill to eat the "li lange" , or raw meat .