Back at the palace, the young man tells his father that he's going to warn the servants that they've been rude to him. He's worried about his father's health, and he wants to go home and tell his father what's up. The young man doesn't want to be rude to his father, so he tells him to go back to his room. He also tells him that jinxiang left the tower the night before, and that's why he should come back and apologize to him for being rude. He asks if he can dance with his father to make him feel better about himself.
Back at the palace, the young man tells his father that he's going to warn the servants that they've been rude to him. He's worried about his father's health, and he wants to go home and tell his father what's up. The young man doesn't want to be rude to his father, so he tells him to go back to his room. He also tells him that jinxiang left the tower the night before, and that's why he should come back and apologize to him for being rude. He asks if he can dance with his father to make him feel better about himself.