Outside of the Office, My Perfect Boss Turns Into a Pervert • Chapter 54: End • Page ik-page-4243920
Chapter 54: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 54: End
About This Chapter
The scene opens in the office of the "outside pervert" , who is transformed into a "you left" . The "you" in question is Shmooshei, who has just returned from a trip to Japan with his friends. He is very happy to be back in the company of his friends, although he is still a bit nervous about the fact that his "mark" on the outside of his body has disappeared. He feels that it is a waste of time to have such a mark on his body, and he decides that he will leave some of it behind. He asks if he is going to "calm down" any time soon, and Shmoohei responds that he is "too afraid" to wait any longer. He says that he feels like he is melting, and that he wants to "be the only one" to come and kiss him. He then asks if she trembles, and she replies that she does not, and so he thrusts her into his arms and kisses her. She then clasps her arms and says that she is "ba dump ! . . i love you" and says she is sorry to have made him feel so unhappy. She tells him that she ended up telling Mariko about their trip, and it went very well, though she is still "butting into your time" with her friends. She asks if Shmoo
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Outside of the Office, My Perfect Boss Turns Into a Pervert • Chapter 54: End • Page ik-page-4243920
Chapter 54: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 54: End
About This Chapter
The scene opens in the office of the "outside pervert" , who is transformed into a "you left" . The "you" in question is Shmooshei, who has just returned from a trip to Japan with his friends. He is very happy to be back in the company of his friends, although he is still a bit nervous about the fact that his "mark" on the outside of his body has disappeared. He feels that it is a waste of time to have such a mark on his body, and he decides that he will leave some of it behind. He asks if he is going to "calm down" any time soon, and Shmoohei responds that he is "too afraid" to wait any longer. He says that he feels like he is melting, and that he wants to "be the only one" to come and kiss him. He then asks if she trembles, and she replies that she does not, and so he thrusts her into his arms and kisses her. She then clasps her arms and says that she is "ba dump ! . . i love you" and says she is sorry to have made him feel so unhappy. She tells him that she ended up telling Mariko about their trip, and it went very well, though she is still "butting into your time" with her friends. She asks if Shmoo
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