Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4311320
Chapter 38
This is a locked chapterChapter 38
About This Chapter
It's been a long day, and Hiroshi has finally decided to go to sleep. He's worried that he's going to wake up in the middle of the night and find out that his wife is sleeping with Hiroshi's lover. He tells Hiroshi that he has been waiting for him to finish his nap, and that he can't wait to get home. Hiroshi tells him that he hasn't had a good nap in a long time, because his body has been acting up all day. He asks Hiroshi to take care of his body, but Hiroshi doesn't want to do it, because he thinks it's too hard on his body. He says he'll try to get some sleep, and then he can tell that Hiroshi is having a good time, too. He also says that his friend Arimu ra is having fun, too, because she's also having fun with her lover, and he thinks that's because she has an affair with him. He wants to know how he feels, and how she feels about him, but he can only tell that she'
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Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4311320
Chapter 38
This is a locked chapterChapter 38
About This Chapter
It's been a long day, and Hiroshi has finally decided to go to sleep. He's worried that he's going to wake up in the middle of the night and find out that his wife is sleeping with Hiroshi's lover. He tells Hiroshi that he has been waiting for him to finish his nap, and that he can't wait to get home. Hiroshi tells him that he hasn't had a good nap in a long time, because his body has been acting up all day. He asks Hiroshi to take care of his body, but Hiroshi doesn't want to do it, because he thinks it's too hard on his body. He says he'll try to get some sleep, and then he can tell that Hiroshi is having a good time, too. He also says that his friend Arimu ra is having fun, too, because she's also having fun with her lover, and he thinks that's because she has an affair with him. He wants to know how he feels, and how she feels about him, but he can only tell that she'
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