Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4311313
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
Ani asks what's going on, and kirishima tells her that he's just heard a voice, and that it's Ani's voice. Ani asks if she's in the room, and he says she is. Ani says she hears a rustle, and then she hears the voice of a man who's pinned under a stop. Ani swears she heard the voice, but she can't figure out who it is because she doesn't see the man's face. She swears that if she is seen holding onto the stop, she'll be able to get help, and she promises to do so right away. Ani tells her to stop, and the man says he knows Ani is working, so he'll just let her go. Ani thanks him, and they all go off to work.
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Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4311313
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
Ani asks what's going on, and kirishima tells her that he's just heard a voice, and that it's Ani's voice. Ani asks if she's in the room, and he says she is. Ani says she hears a rustle, and then she hears the voice of a man who's pinned under a stop. Ani swears she heard the voice, but she can't figure out who it is because she doesn't see the man's face. She swears that if she is seen holding onto the stop, she'll be able to get help, and she promises to do so right away. Ani tells her to stop, and the man says he knows Ani is working, so he'll just let her go. Ani thanks him, and they all go off to work.
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