Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-4311338
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've heard from Milady, but she's back. She's in the middle of a conversation with Hiroshi, who's trying to catch up with her. Milady tells Hiroshi that she wants to get close to him, but Hiroshi doesn't want to touch her, so Milady sneaks up behind him and tries to kiss him. He's all, "Oh, no, I'm not going to touch you." Milady says that she'd like to get away from Hiroshi so that she can "squish" him a little bit, but he's not into that. He tells her that he has a friend, Jackass, who can help her out if she needs him. Mijaya asks Hiroshi if he has seen Milady flirting with another man, and Hiroshi says no, but Milady wants to know what he thinks of her. She tells him that she saw Milady go into the storeroom, where Hiroshi is supposed to be, and that she needs to get him. Hiroshi tells Milady that he'll talk to him later, and Milady agrees.
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Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-4311338
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've heard from Milady, but she's back. She's in the middle of a conversation with Hiroshi, who's trying to catch up with her. Milady tells Hiroshi that she wants to get close to him, but Hiroshi doesn't want to touch her, so Milady sneaks up behind him and tries to kiss him. He's all, "Oh, no, I'm not going to touch you." Milady says that she'd like to get away from Hiroshi so that she can "squish" him a little bit, but he's not into that. He tells her that he has a friend, Jackass, who can help her out if she needs him. Mijaya asks Hiroshi if he has seen Milady flirting with another man, and Hiroshi says no, but Milady wants to know what he thinks of her. She tells him that she saw Milady go into the storeroom, where Hiroshi is supposed to be, and that she needs to get him. Hiroshi tells Milady that he'll talk to him later, and Milady agrees.
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