Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-4311316
Chapter 27
This is a locked chapterChapter 27
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a knock at the door. It's Hiroshi, who's been looking for Milady. Milady is pretending to sleep, and Hiroshi is looking for her. Hiroshi asks Milady if she's having a good time, and Milady says that she has. She's had too much of a drink to be able to sleep. She asks Hiroshi to head back to her room, but Hiroshi says that he's already been looking after Milady, and that's why they broke up. He tells Milady that he always liked her better than anyone else, and he hopes that she'll continue to treat him that way. He asks her to go to the hotel, and she says that they're full, so they'll have to stay in one room, two rooms, and a shared room. He's not sure what Milady's saying, but he can't bear to let this happen again, so he goes to sleep
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Stealthily Fucking My Dozing Boss (She Came While Pretending to Sleep) • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-4311316
Chapter 27
This is a locked chapterChapter 27
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a knock at the door. It's Hiroshi, who's been looking for Milady. Milady is pretending to sleep, and Hiroshi is looking for her. Hiroshi asks Milady if she's having a good time, and Milady says that she has. She's had too much of a drink to be able to sleep. She asks Hiroshi to head back to her room, but Hiroshi says that he's already been looking after Milady, and that's why they broke up. He tells Milady that he always liked her better than anyone else, and he hopes that she'll continue to treat him that way. He asks her to go to the hotel, and she says that they're full, so they'll have to stay in one room, two rooms, and a shared room. He's not sure what Milady's saying, but he can't bear to let this happen again, so he goes to sleep
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