In ancient times, a young man named "Tan" is traveling with a group of other young men in a carriage. The young men are trying to find their way to Suyang, the capital of the People's Republic of China, but they're having a hard time finding their way. They ask directions at every turn of the carriage, but the driver doesn't seem to understand them. The two young men curse the driver and his companions for being idiots. They also curse the young men's former master, who they think is the bastard son of the man who gave them the wrong directions.
In ancient times, a young man named "Tan" is traveling with a group of other young men in a carriage. The young men are trying to find their way to Suyang, the capital of the People's Republic of China, but they're having a hard time finding their way. They ask directions at every turn of the carriage, but the driver doesn't seem to understand them. The two young men curse the driver and his companions for being idiots. They also curse the young men's former master, who they think is the bastard son of the man who gave them the wrong directions.