In this short comic, the young warrior Panchang chats with a man who introduces himself as "chang warriorpan." The man asks Panchang if he has ambitions, and Panchang says he doesn't know much about him, but that he will be a good ruler. The man tells Panchang that the name "xuanheng," which means "great" in Chinese, means "easy to remember." Panchang is impressed by the man's ability to remember the name, and he is grateful for the name. He goes on to say that in the future, he plans to be a great ruler. When the man asks where he is going, Panchang tells him to go to the cloud inn, where he has heard rumors that some men from the manor are staying. When he gets there, he finds that the men are staring at him because he is "really a stunner." He apologizes, but the man is not amused.
In this short comic, the young warrior Panchang chats with a man who introduces himself as "chang warriorpan." The man asks Panchang if he has ambitions, and Panchang says he doesn't know much about him, but that he will be a good ruler. The man tells Panchang that the name "xuanheng," which means "great" in Chinese, means "easy to remember." Panchang is impressed by the man's ability to remember the name, and he is grateful for the name. He goes on to say that in the future, he plans to be a great ruler. When the man asks where he is going, Panchang tells him to go to the cloud inn, where he has heard rumors that some men from the manor are staying. When he gets there, he finds that the men are staring at him because he is "really a stunner." He apologizes, but the man is not amused.