In this short scene, we get a brief description of the action that takes place in the opening scene of the story. The action is set in the middle of a battle, and we are told that the battle is being fought between a "changpan warrior" and a "tampan" . In this scene, the Tampan is trying to get into the battle, but he is interrupted by the master, who tells him to "re-act what happened." The Tampan tries to get the master to "get into his role" , but the master refuses to let him do so, saying that he will die with his head "held high." The master tries to explain that the action is being played out in
In this short scene, we get a brief description of the action that takes place in the opening scene of the story. The action is set in the middle of a battle, and we are told that the battle is being fought between a "changpan warrior" and a "tampan" . In this scene, the Tampan is trying to get into the battle, but he is interrupted by the master, who tells him to "re-act what happened." The Tampan tries to get the master to "get into his role" , but the master refuses to let him do so, saying that he will die with his head "held high." The master tries to explain that the action is being played out in