In this short scene, Tommo tries to convince Hiroshi to listen to him. He tells him that he is a member of the international club and that he has many friends. He asks Hiroshi about his favorite food and his favorite school meal, but he does not understand why he should be interested in Tommo's tastes. He also tells Hiroshi that he would like to know if he likes yuki. He says that this is why he has a bad mouth, because he thinks he is being low-balled by Hiroshi. Tommo tells him to come to the bus stop at seven o'clock that evening. He drinks his first beer on his 16th birthday and tells him how many lan gages he can speak. He then tells him about his friend, who is a hairdresser. Hiroshi tells Tommo that he should not worry about his name being on the news the next day because he will not be able to learn the language. He adds that he will be alone with Hiroshi for a lot of time, and he wants to show her that he trusts her.