The Peerless Ancient

The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 113 (Part 1) • Page ik-page-4508484
Chapter 113 (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 113 (Part 1)
About This Chapter
Le'er's father is furious with his son for disobeying him and hanging out with the gang. He's grounding him for ten days, and he's worried about what's going to happen to xiyue now that she's gone
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The Peerless Ancient

The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 113 (Part 1) • Page ik-page-4508484
Chapter 113 (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 113 (Part 1)
About This Chapter
Le'er's father is furious with his son for disobeying him and hanging out with the gang. He's grounding him for ten days, and he's worried about what's going to happen to xiyue now that she's gone
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