The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-3613824
The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-3579993
Chapter 56
This is a locked chapterChapter 56
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a conversation between the great elder of the air academy and the disciple of shanlan. The great elder tells the disciple that he has asked the assassins to travel to the battlefield by two different routes. He also wants the disciple to bring back the corpse of xi yixuan. The disciple says that he heard that the young master has a grudge against the disciple, but he doesn't want to kill him himself. The elder says that shaanlan has been isolated from the world and cannot bear to be disturbed by mundane matters. He asks the disciple why he hasn't invited him to tea yet. He says that since he's already there, he'll have to leave now. He then asks the servant to come and have tea with him. The servant says that it's funny that the elder wants to send someone to kill his disciple. He tells the servant that he is only punishing his disciple for breaking the rules. He goes on to say that even his son disapproves of his behavior. The son is the one who hired the assassin. The father says that his ancestor is about to return to the academy soon. He'll be back soon.
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The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-3613824
The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-3579993
Chapter 56
This is a locked chapterChapter 56
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a conversation between the great elder of the air academy and the disciple of shanlan. The great elder tells the disciple that he has asked the assassins to travel to the battlefield by two different routes. He also wants the disciple to bring back the corpse of xi yixuan. The disciple says that he heard that the young master has a grudge against the disciple, but he doesn't want to kill him himself. The elder says that shaanlan has been isolated from the world and cannot bear to be disturbed by mundane matters. He asks the disciple why he hasn't invited him to tea yet. He says that since he's already there, he'll have to leave now. He then asks the servant to come and have tea with him. The servant says that it's funny that the elder wants to send someone to kill his disciple. He tells the servant that he is only punishing his disciple for breaking the rules. He goes on to say that even his son disapproves of his behavior. The son is the one who hired the assassin. The father says that his ancestor is about to return to the academy soon. He'll be back soon.
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