The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-4406850
The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-4406059
The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-4406060
Chapter 111
This is a locked chapterChapter 111
About This Chapter
In this scene, Lingzi and the others discuss the fact that they would like to participate in a martial arts competition. Lingzi says that she met Lingzi on the way to the tournament, and that she and Lingzi are strong enough to handle the competition on their own. She tells the others that they need five other people to form a team, and they need to know that there are no hidden powerhouses in the other academies. She says that they should not fight people on their team, because their cultivation has improved greatly in the past ten years. She also says that the main purpose of their mission is to get the six shadow furies back into the academies so that they can participate in the competition again. The other four academies will gather the six furies and send them back to Mingluo's palace to compete. The others are amazed that Lingzi can't beat the young master, and wonder if he can hear the sound of the voice calling him. He calls for a thousand miles of secret voice transmission, but he doesn't get a response.
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The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-4406850
The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-4406059
The Peerless Ancient • Chapter 111 • Page ik-page-4406060
Chapter 111
This is a locked chapterChapter 111
About This Chapter
In this scene, Lingzi and the others discuss the fact that they would like to participate in a martial arts competition. Lingzi says that she met Lingzi on the way to the tournament, and that she and Lingzi are strong enough to handle the competition on their own. She tells the others that they need five other people to form a team, and they need to know that there are no hidden powerhouses in the other academies. She says that they should not fight people on their team, because their cultivation has improved greatly in the past ten years. She also says that the main purpose of their mission is to get the six shadow furies back into the academies so that they can participate in the competition again. The other four academies will gather the six furies and send them back to Mingluo's palace to compete. The others are amazed that Lingzi can't beat the young master, and wonder if he can hear the sound of the voice calling him. He calls for a thousand miles of secret voice transmission, but he doesn't get a response.
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