Don’t Cry

Don’t Cry • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-4139660
Don’t Cry • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-4137140
Don’t Cry • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-4137141
Chapter 76
This is a locked chapterChapter 76
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a warning from Luo-Zhan's uncle that he will blacklist his friend if he makes another call like this. He tells his son that he might need his uncle's help in dealing with a rascal soon, and that he'll tell him everything in detail the next week. Luo asks his uncle if he went to answer the call, and his uncle says that he did, and he's sure that Luo is also a "gentleman" like him. He says that if there is a chance, he will remind Luo to speak to him gently, and Luo says that when they were out, he tried his best to adjust to the new environment, and convince himself that he was less afraid. He's going to put his jacket back to his room, and ask his uncle to take a seat, but his uncle won't let him, saying that they might be unable to send the robot over tonight. The next chapter preview shows that the meeting between Luo and the new driver will take place, and the two men look up at each other.
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Don’t Cry

Don’t Cry • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-4139660
Don’t Cry • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-4137140
Don’t Cry • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-4137141
Chapter 76
This is a locked chapterChapter 76
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a warning from Luo-Zhan's uncle that he will blacklist his friend if he makes another call like this. He tells his son that he might need his uncle's help in dealing with a rascal soon, and that he'll tell him everything in detail the next week. Luo asks his uncle if he went to answer the call, and his uncle says that he did, and he's sure that Luo is also a "gentleman" like him. He says that if there is a chance, he will remind Luo to speak to him gently, and Luo says that when they were out, he tried his best to adjust to the new environment, and convince himself that he was less afraid. He's going to put his jacket back to his room, and ask his uncle to take a seat, but his uncle won't let him, saying that they might be unable to send the robot over tonight. The next chapter preview shows that the meeting between Luo and the new driver will take place, and the two men look up at each other.
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