The next morning, the eunuch arrives at the palace to find that the emperor and his wife have not yet woken up. He asks to be let in, but is told that he has to guard the pavilion. He is not sure why the emperor asked him to do this, but he knows that his life is in the hands of the queen. He tells the emperor that if he had not asked him, he would not have been able to force the emperor to go to the pavilion
The next morning, the eunuch arrives at the palace to find that the emperor and his wife have not yet woken up. He asks to be let in, but is told that he has to guard the pavilion. He is not sure why the emperor asked him to do this, but he knows that his life is in the hands of the queen. He tells the emperor that if he had not asked him, he would not have been able to force the emperor to go to the pavilion