When the emperor arrives, he does not care for the queen. He only cares about the name of the princess. He does not want to harm the queen, he says. He tells the queen that he has just given birth to a baby girl and that she should stay in bed. He asks the emperor what name the princess is, and she tells him that it is "sprees" and "the princess leng" . He says that he is grateful for the emperor's mercy, but that he cannot repay them for everything they have done for him. He begs the emperor to accept the child, but the emperor refuses, saying that he did not come to be a son after the moment when he chose to be obedient to his mother. He is a stranger to him, and since that moment, he hates the queen for taking his love away. He can give her wealth, honor, and destroyed his even our child.
When the emperor arrives, he does not care for the queen. He only cares about the name of the princess. He does not want to harm the queen, he says. He tells the queen that he has just given birth to a baby girl and that she should stay in bed. He asks the emperor what name the princess is, and she tells him that it is "sprees" and "the princess leng" . He says that he is grateful for the emperor's mercy, but that he cannot repay them for everything they have done for him. He begs the emperor to accept the child, but the emperor refuses, saying that he did not come to be a son after the moment when he chose to be obedient to his mother. He is a stranger to him, and since that moment, he hates the queen for taking his love away. He can give her wealth, honor, and destroyed his even our child.