Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 66 • Page ik-page-3690781
Chapter 66
This is a locked chapterChapter 66
About This Chapter
It's summer in the countryside, and ming and jiang are in the middle of dressing up for Christmas. ming wants to know if they're really celebrating. jiang says they are, but ming insists that they are just buying costumes and props for the holidays. He wants to show ming the costumes they've just bought, and he wants ming to give him props if he doesn't like one of the costumes. He also wants jiang to give ming one of each style of costume, so that ming can choose which one he likes the best. They're going to have a little Christmas party, ming says, but they don't really have a reindeer set, so they'll have to use an outdated sled.
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Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 66 • Page ik-page-3690781
Chapter 66
This is a locked chapterChapter 66
About This Chapter
It's summer in the countryside, and ming and jiang are in the middle of dressing up for Christmas. ming wants to know if they're really celebrating. jiang says they are, but ming insists that they are just buying costumes and props for the holidays. He wants to show ming the costumes they've just bought, and he wants ming to give him props if he doesn't like one of the costumes. He also wants jiang to give ming one of each style of costume, so that ming can choose which one he likes the best. They're going to have a little Christmas party, ming says, but they don't really have a reindeer set, so they'll have to use an outdated sled.
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