Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-2856061
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
The narrator arrives in the countryside, where he inspects the seedbed every day to make sure it's in tip-top shape. He can't believe that anyone would actually know how to grow anything. He's grown up in the fields, so he knows how to plant everything. He tells the narrator that if he doesn't dye the seeds back before he returns to school, no one will notice him. He also tells him that his grades are not good, which is really worrying since he's trying to get into a university. The narrator tells the young man that he'll have to work harder if he wants to make it in the world. He then tells the boy that his dream is to make plushies. He says that's not his job, and that he can make more money by being a celebrity. The young man is shocked to learn that his grade is sophomore.
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Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-2856061
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
The narrator arrives in the countryside, where he inspects the seedbed every day to make sure it's in tip-top shape. He can't believe that anyone would actually know how to grow anything. He's grown up in the fields, so he knows how to plant everything. He tells the narrator that if he doesn't dye the seeds back before he returns to school, no one will notice him. He also tells him that his grades are not good, which is really worrying since he's trying to get into a university. The narrator tells the young man that he'll have to work harder if he wants to make it in the world. He then tells the boy that his dream is to make plushies. He says that's not his job, and that he can make more money by being a celebrity. The young man is shocked to learn that his grade is sophomore.
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