Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 59 • Page ik-page-3517663
Chapter 59
This is a locked chapterChapter 59
About This Chapter
In the countryside, the assistant of a comic production company tells us that all of the company's work has been done, and that they're going to take all of it's equipment and sell it to the highest bidder. The assistant tells him that he's also from the same village, and they've just met again. He asks the assistant if he has a car, and the assistant says that he does, but that he needs to find someone to help him bring the equipment back to the city. He also tells the assistant that his family
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Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 59 • Page ik-page-3517663
Chapter 59
This is a locked chapterChapter 59
About This Chapter
In the countryside, the assistant of a comic production company tells us that all of the company's work has been done, and that they're going to take all of it's equipment and sell it to the highest bidder. The assistant tells him that he's also from the same village, and they've just met again. He asks the assistant if he has a car, and the assistant says that he does, but that he needs to find someone to help him bring the equipment back to the city. He also tells the assistant that his family
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