Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-3016427
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
In the countryside, Cai Xiang is playing with his friends. He's excited to play with them, because he's an adult, and he knows what they're doing. Senior jiang gives him some seeds to try out, but he doesn't really know how to use them, so he can't figure out how to properly use them. He tells his friend that if the seedlings die, they'll probably have to cut back on the amount of flower petals they make, and they won't even be able to participate in the upcoming exhibition of plushies. He apologizes, and says he'll never make such a big mistake again.
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Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-3016427
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
In the countryside, Cai Xiang is playing with his friends. He's excited to play with them, because he's an adult, and he knows what they're doing. Senior jiang gives him some seeds to try out, but he doesn't really know how to use them, so he can't figure out how to properly use them. He tells his friend that if the seedlings die, they'll probably have to cut back on the amount of flower petals they make, and they won't even be able to participate in the upcoming exhibition of plushies. He apologizes, and says he'll never make such a big mistake again.
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