Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-3161549
Chapter 31
This is a locked chapterChapter 31
About This Chapter
The next entry in the competition is a flower named Peeping Tom. It's full of flowers and has a soft pink color. The narrator tells us that the flower is 3 years old and that it's the perfect size for a maiden. He also says that he's going to protect you from another mistake if you make another mistake. Next, we're going to present entry number 12, which is called "dance." The narrator says that this flower looks like two dancers, fluttering skirts, and beautiful without comparison. He says that if you give up on the competition, you're not really giving up on yourself. He wants you to focus all of your wishes into this box. He tells you that this is not the first time that you've been embarrassed, and he hopes that everyone's wishes can come true.
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Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-3161549
Chapter 31
This is a locked chapterChapter 31
About This Chapter
The next entry in the competition is a flower named Peeping Tom. It's full of flowers and has a soft pink color. The narrator tells us that the flower is 3 years old and that it's the perfect size for a maiden. He also says that he's going to protect you from another mistake if you make another mistake. Next, we're going to present entry number 12, which is called "dance." The narrator says that this flower looks like two dancers, fluttering skirts, and beautiful without comparison. He says that if you give up on the competition, you're not really giving up on yourself. He wants you to focus all of your wishes into this box. He tells you that this is not the first time that you've been embarrassed, and he hopes that everyone's wishes can come true.
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