Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-3517659
Chapter 45
This is a locked chapterChapter 45
About This Chapter
The next morning, Caius tells the guys that they're going to have to clean the bullpen. They're not going to slack off, he tells them. He also tells them that starting tomorrow, he's going to be the new supervisor, and that Caius will have the authority to supervise them. This is going to keep the guys from being satisfied with their jobs, and they'll have to get used to it. Caius compares the guys to the cows, who eat grass and give them milk. He tells them to remember to pick and span the place.
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Countryside, here I come! • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-3517659
Chapter 45
This is a locked chapterChapter 45
About This Chapter
The next morning, Caius tells the guys that they're going to have to clean the bullpen. They're not going to slack off, he tells them. He also tells them that starting tomorrow, he's going to be the new supervisor, and that Caius will have the authority to supervise them. This is going to keep the guys from being satisfied with their jobs, and they'll have to get used to it. Caius compares the guys to the cows, who eat grass and give them milk. He tells them to remember to pick and span the place.
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