The next morning, the captain and the two kids go for a walk. The captain tells the kids that he hasn't seen them in a while, and that he's been escorting the captain back to the station. The two kids tease the captain about not going out to exercise the night before, and the captain explains that he didn't go out that night because it was too late. The next day, he says, he'll go out to eat breakfast and then spend the night. The kids tease him about how he looks half-fit, but the captain says that he doesn't have the energy to go out and exercise.
The next morning, the captain and the two kids go for a walk. The captain tells the kids that he hasn't seen them in a while, and that he's been escorting the captain back to the station. The two kids tease the captain about not going out to exercise the night before, and the captain explains that he didn't go out that night because it was too late. The next day, he says, he'll go out to eat breakfast and then spend the night. The kids tease him about how he looks half-fit, but the captain says that he doesn't have the energy to go out and exercise.