In this chapter, we learn that the two young men have received royal training, and that they will soon be joined by a female companion. The first prince tells the second prince that he has broken a bottle of wine, and the third prince tells him to go to the mistress's house and ask for her forgiveness. The mistress tells the prince that her son is missing, and she tells him that he should not come to the house when the mistress is mad. The second prince says that the prince has not been found for a year, and he is hiding in the house to avoid the girls from stealing his clothes
In this chapter, we learn that the two young men have received royal training, and that they will soon be joined by a female companion. The first prince tells the second prince that he has broken a bottle of wine, and the third prince tells him to go to the mistress's house and ask for her forgiveness. The mistress tells the prince that her son is missing, and she tells him that he should not come to the house when the mistress is mad. The second prince says that the prince has not been found for a year, and he is hiding in the house to avoid the girls from stealing his clothes