This chapter opens with a description of a playful encounter between a cat named New Mew and a young man named Fujisawa. The young man, named San, has just returned from a night out with his friends, and the cat, named Nemo, has been bitten by the young man. The cat, Nemo, is upset that his friend has bitten him, but he is comforted by the fact that he is the only person who has been affected by the incident.
This chapter opens with a description of a playful encounter between a cat named New Mew and a young man named Fujisawa. The young man, named San, has just returned from a night out with his friends, and the cat, named Nemo, has been bitten by the young man. The cat, Nemo, is upset that his friend has bitten him, but he is comforted by the fact that he is the only person who has been affected by the incident.