It's been a while since we've seen a ghost, so we're not sure if it's human or a ghostly creature. The ghost-hunters decide to go check out the house, and the owner is all, "Why are you there to catch ghosts? Why are you a coward?" . The owner's son has asked him to perform an exorcism on his house, but he doesn't tell his mom about it. He's sorry, he says. The hair on the man's face is real, and his face is getting worse. He says his nails have started to grow, too. He apologizes for being so rude, and says that his son didn't mean to tell him about the ghost, but that he just wanted them to help drive it away from the house. He admits that he and his brother are too sensitive, and that's why they were so rude to the owner. They decide to use the ghost-lamp first, since the old woman is so strong. They feel like they're riding on the same energy as the wolf, and they can't help but feel uncomfortable as they enter. The smell of urine makes them feel uncomfortable, too, so they decide to
It's been a while since we've seen a ghost, so we're not sure if it's human or a ghostly creature. The ghost-hunters decide to go check out the house, and the owner is all, "Why are you there to catch ghosts? Why are you a coward?" . The owner's son has asked him to perform an exorcism on his house, but he doesn't tell his mom about it. He's sorry, he says. The hair on the man's face is real, and his face is getting worse. He says his nails have started to grow, too. He apologizes for being so rude, and says that his son didn't mean to tell him about the ghost, but that he just wanted them to help drive it away from the house. He admits that he and his brother are too sensitive, and that's why they were so rude to the owner. They decide to use the ghost-lamp first, since the old woman is so strong. They feel like they're riding on the same energy as the wolf, and they can't help but feel uncomfortable as they enter. The smell of urine makes them feel uncomfortable, too, so they decide to