Dark Money

Dark Money • Chapter 71 • Page ik-page-3261334
Dark Money • Chapter 71 • Page ik-page-3261335
Chapter 71
This is a locked chapterChapter 71
About This Chapter
The next day, shang-guanyan asks his brother yi what's been going on with him and his teacher, teacher zhou. Unsure of what the teacher's name is, zhu-siye tells his brother that he's not losing out on his job. He's just trying to get his two brothers to notice his style of working. . He also tells yi that zhou ke's weakness is that he doesn't notice that things are going on outside the office. He thinks that if this keeps going on, he'll lose out on zhu zhou si's job. shaan yi thinks that this is a reference to his friend, the white-collar leader of team 2, and that the two guys will have nothing to do with him. He says that both of them clearly have crushes on each other, but that they haven't noticed that . The girl sven is described as a "white-collar elite" . She's 28 years old, single, and has a "sven-like" personality. She speaks like a girl, and everyone in the department learns from her. She says that she hopes that her sister will never grow up, and never leave the company of any man. She hopes that she won't be treated like a child, and she says that her brother's "sister-judger" personality "seems to be contagious." .
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Dark Money

Dark Money • Chapter 71 • Page ik-page-3261334
Dark Money • Chapter 71 • Page ik-page-3261335
Chapter 71
This is a locked chapterChapter 71
About This Chapter
The next day, shang-guanyan asks his brother yi what's been going on with him and his teacher, teacher zhou. Unsure of what the teacher's name is, zhu-siye tells his brother that he's not losing out on his job. He's just trying to get his two brothers to notice his style of working. . He also tells yi that zhou ke's weakness is that he doesn't notice that things are going on outside the office. He thinks that if this keeps going on, he'll lose out on zhu zhou si's job. shaan yi thinks that this is a reference to his friend, the white-collar leader of team 2, and that the two guys will have nothing to do with him. He says that both of them clearly have crushes on each other, but that they haven't noticed that . The girl sven is described as a "white-collar elite" . She's 28 years old, single, and has a "sven-like" personality. She speaks like a girl, and everyone in the department learns from her. She says that she hopes that her sister will never grow up, and never leave the company of any man. She hopes that she won't be treated like a child, and she says that her brother's "sister-judger" personality "seems to be contagious." .
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