In this short scene, we learn that the second master of the research lab is called "chaoxi," and that he has been hired to study the blood of the yu. The two men discuss the strange nature of the project, and chaoxi is particularly interested in finding out who gave him the blood samples. He is also curious about the mysterious woman who gave the samples to him, and he wonders if she is the same woman who came back to him. The second master asks if he is doing this for "wang shen" , but chaoxi says that he is only doing it for wang hen, and that they should not be so formal with each other in the future, as they will be punished if they are lying. The scene ends with a soliloquy by chaoxi, in which he says that although he is a "diaper boy," he can still be "quite a vain pot" .
In this short scene, we learn that the second master of the research lab is called "chaoxi," and that he has been hired to study the blood of the yu. The two men discuss the strange nature of the project, and chaoxi is particularly interested in finding out who gave him the blood samples. He is also curious about the mysterious woman who gave the samples to him, and he wonders if she is the same woman who came back to him. The second master asks if he is doing this for "wang shen" , but chaoxi says that he is only doing it for wang hen, and that they should not be so formal with each other in the future, as they will be punished if they are lying. The scene ends with a soliloquy by chaoxi, in which he says that although he is a "diaper boy," he can still be "quite a vain pot" .